The Fourth House relates to “Home” on multiple levels. Since I am the one hosting these services, it seems like an appropriate place to say something about myself …
I discovered Jyotish by way of yoga. In 2001 I travelled to India for the first time to study asana with my teachers in Mysore. I had my first reading there, was amazed and smitten, and began studying Jyotish right away. After several attempts, I eventually found the person I consider my true teacher, Pandit Sanjay Rath, who comes from a lineage of astrologers in Orissa, India (more about him in the Ninth House). I have studied with him extensively both in the US and India, and will continue to do so for as long as humanly possible. I have been conducting readings professionally since 2009 and in 2017 was certified through Rath’s rigorous “Parashara” program. I live in Los Angeles where I also work as a filmmaker, a pursuit I see as related to Jyotish because both are about honing stories – written in light – to be as truthful, and transformative, as possible.