The Seventh House rules the OTHER, and our relationship therewith, so it’s an appropriate place to provide a few of the client testimonials I have received for my work in astrology ….
I find your practice to be so helpful and grounding. I feel motivated to use the information to make my life more meaningful.
~ R____, New York City
Thank-you for the reading and all that time you gave me. I feel very happy and in some way relieved – kind of more accepting of me as I am in this time of my life. Many things to think about and I am very very inspired for my life, in a way that I haven’t been in a long time. Thank You!
~ M____, San Diego
Thank you for the exquisite reading. This whole thing is very in depth!! Very impressive. It is a lot of information! And so much of it aligns with my lifetime and its’ events …
~ A____, Los Angeles
I cannot believe the things you find in a chart – it’s just amazing.
~ J____, Sydney
Briefly – wow. You have struck a home run. Your knowledge has been sharply inspired. May you receive many blessings. Harih om tat sat.
~ D____, San Diego
I am excited to be a part of your new path, and to be the recipient of such ancient pictures. The things you describe, from the mythology to the practical, ring true for me. Thank you so much.
~ L____, Santa Monica
Thank you so much for the amazing session. I was honestly blown away by it. You have given me an immense amount of information, and invaluable pieces of advice and guidance that I have been meditating on for the last 2 days. I cannot even start to express how thankful I am. I am excited about my journey ahead and value very much your wise prospective on all of the reading.
~ G____, New York City
Hey Jesse, I absolutely LOVED my reading. Thanks again, you have a true gift and you also deliver the information in an enlightening, sensitive and often humorous way. I bow to your lotus feet, my friend.
~ J____, San Diego
Wow! I cannot believe how right on you are with so many points about R___. I’m smiling as I read what you are saying. I’m amazed how much time and energy you have spent studying her chart and then putting it together in this email to me. I’m tearing up, sincerely.
~ C, Mexico City
Thanks SOOO much. You are truly amazing. Happy Thanksgiving I am very grateful you are in our life and helping us on this journey.
~ L____, New Zealand
Thank you so very much for an uplifting and inspiring session last night. I still feel like it will take me some time to absorb everything — and so I am deeply grateful for all the insights you shared with me. Very helpful, indeed! Your time, care and expertise are so greatly appreciated.
~ E____, Singapore